Monday, January 12, 2009

Added new Class

I have added a new class called Its sole static method randn(float mu, float sigma) returns a random floating-point number drawn from a normal distribution of mean mu and standard deviation sigma. Essentially, it produces the same result as Matlab's randn function.

The BoxMuller.randn method is used in the class to add noise to a newly chosen particle in the chooseNewPoseSet method. I have corrected this method so that it now refers to the randn method.


Vino said...

Sorry,I couldn't find any code on the link you specified... Could you post your code it will be more useful for my final year project

Vino said...

Hi,I couldn't find any code on the link you posted,Could you post the code because it will be more useful for my project

Unknown said...


I don't have the code immediately available, however, this link suggests how to perform the transformation:

If you should have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know.


Vino said...

Hi Clemenct!!!!
Great to hear reply from you.. Actually i am doing my final year dissertation in mobile robotics. For that i am going to use A* algorithm to find the best path. But before that i should give the map of the known environment. Could you help me how to find the map for the known environment and to store it on nxt... It will help me more to move on to next step...
Thanks in advance

Unknown said...

In my case, I do not store the map on the NXT; rather, the map is stored on the PC, with the NXT and the PC communicating with each other over a wireless Bluetooth connection. The PC is the brains and the NXT simply follows the PC's commands.

Unknown said...

My code can be found here

My Java implementation of the Box-Muller algorithm is also available.
